Research investigation
Explore how women are represented in the TV
shows EastEnders and Hollyoaks
I have decided to conduct my research on how
women are represented in soap operas. I will be looking at the different ways
women have been constructed and mediated by the text that I will be using. In
addition to that I will also look at how and why women are portrayed in a
particular way.
Men and women in TV shows are shown as binary
opposites. An example of a traditional stereotype is that “Men are strong.”
Women are weak. Media text has been constructed in a way that people consume
the text and interpret it in their own way, which they then use to implement
biased information, which forms the negative gender stereotypes that are seen
in day-to-day life.

There are a numerous amounts of representations
of women in these two TV shows; the first one I will be looking into is the
stereotypes of women. The stereotypes that have been going around are often
things such as “women are weak”, “all women are housewives”, and “women are
only good for one thing". In Hollyoaks we see a fictional character called
Maxine Minniver played by (Nikki Sanderson) being abused by her fiancé Patrick
Blake (Jeremy Sheffield). During this storyline Maxine made numerous attempts
to leave her fiancé but decided to stay with him because despite everything she
“loved him”. The storyline portrays women as vulnerable, easy and stupid. Women
are seen as so desperate for attention and for someone to love them that they
become susceptible to anything because as said by the brainwashed society women
are “mentally and physically weak”.
However in EastEnders
we see female characters trying hard not to be the “typical” women that the
society has branded women as, an example of this is when Fictional character
Denise fox played by (Diane Parish) decides that she wants to sit her GCSE
English at the age of 48, and despite many people making jokes about her
sitting a GCSEs she didn’t let that discourage her and she went on to passing. This
represents women as strong, determined individuals who don’t need help from
anyone, and it also shows that women are strong independent women who don’t need
a man to tell them that they are good enough. 
The basic stereotype that women are
weak is shown in an episode where character Phil Mitchell played by (Steven
McFadden) races to find his daughter Louise Mitchell played by (Tilly keeper)
after she had been taken from the hospital by her unstable mum Lisa Fowler
played by (Lucy Benjamin) who is known for her mental illness. The scene shows
Phil Mitchell burst into the hotel room that Louise and Lisa had been staying. Tensions
rise high when Louise becomes unresponsive and out of anger Phil shouts out “You
stupid weak pathetic woman” at a vulnerable Lisa who he can clearly see erratically
shaking and crying. The position of the camera shows Phil on the floor and Lisa
standing up, theoretically Lisa is supposed to have the most power because she
is standing however in this case she is portrayed as a weak women whereas Phil
seems to have more authority even though he has a lower status.

During my research I discovered that the
majority of women in soap operas have mental illnesses and just a few men have
a mental illness, this research shows that women are supposedly weaker than
men. The examples of the characters with mental illness are Stacey fowler who
has bipolar disorder, which her mother Jean slater also has. According to
mental health foundation In “England, women are more likely than men to
have a common mental health problem and are almost twice
as likely to be diagnosed with anxiety disorders.” The mental
health foundation also stated that in 2013 6,233 Suicides were recorded in the
UK and 78% of these were male and 22% females. These findings show me that
mental illness in men is under represented which gives Men in soap opera appear
as a strong-minded superior being and as a result of that have left women
looking incapable of being able to cope in life and inferior.

contrast to women the representation of men is not that bad compared to women,
but most men are shown as hardworking businessmen for example character Phil
Mitchell is shown as this big important man that provides for his family and
also jack Branning is another key example of a typical businessman yet there
seem to be any female business women in EastEnders
however there are some business women in Hollyoaks
such as grace black that challenges the stereotypes. According to The Masculinity
and Popular Television Book “men are socialised to be ambitious competitors
estranged from their feelings. Also stated that ‘’ men and women possess
interchangeable emotional, intellectual and psychological traits, so that any
conversational differences between the two is simply a matter or sex role
stereotyping and cultural conditioning.” This quote is suggesting that women a naturally
emotional human beings and men put up a front to show that they are not weak
In conclusion to my initial research I found that
women in soap operas in general are shown really in a negative light. Referring
to the hypodermic needle a lot of people that watch these shows are influenced
in such a way, that it makes them believe that what they see on TV is reality
this then embeds false imagery into people’s head and has formed the traditional
stereotypes that women over time have been branded as. In addition to that I
discovered that men in soap operas have been constructed in away that makes
that make women seem less of value and importance. Also adding on to what I
previously said I found that women in the soap opera EastEnders and Hollyoaks
have been constructed as not that of value compared to men. The media
constructs women as social objects that have been moulded and shaped in a way
that appeals to various audiences so that they can get more views.
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