Weekly News

Terry Crews sheds light on why men don't speak out about harassment.

Terry crews stated that he had never felt more emasculated than after being harassed by Adam Venit who is the head of the motion pictures. Terry crews is one of many people to come forward about being a victim of sexual harassment since the Harvey Weinstein scandal. 
Terry crews states "Back in February 2016, I was assaulted by Adam Venit, who is head of the motion picture department at William Morris Endeavor, one of the biggest agencies in the world, period," Crews, 49, said live on "Good Morning America" on Wednesday. "He's connected to probably everyone I know in the business ... I did not know this man. I have never had a conversation with him, ever." Venit has been suspended until further investigation has been conducted.

Since Allegations against Harvey Weinstein had been made people have started the #Me too movement, which was made to allow people to come forward with their stories for justice. I think it that the movement is quite inspirational because it takes a lot of courage to speak out about assault.

I chose this story because it links to my other weekly news and I feel like it quite a popular topic at the moment. This article covers the representations of issue which are Sexual harassment and abuse of power from Adam Venit.


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