Weekly news 7

"They told me to go jump off a bridge and kill myself': Plus-size model who shed 240LBS reveals she's been sent DEATH THREATS from 'fat activists' who are angry about her weight loss"

 The source of this article is the Daily mail

Plus-size model Rosie Mercado who lost 240lbs and had recently weighed 410lb said she was targeted by 'fat activists' who told her to kill herself after her She lost a sugnificant amount of weight.

 fat activists are people that feel strongly against weight loss. which in my opinion I think its a little bit extreme because the media usually encourages people to live a healthy lifestyle by eating healthily and by exercising, so to here that there are people out there that are against weight loss is quite bizarre to me.

Mum of 3 Rosie has stated that she doesn't ever regret losing the weight and is now living a happy and more healthy lifestyle. Rosie also spoke about the time that triggered her to go on her weight loss journey, she recalls on one time she was on the airplane and they told her that she need to by another airplane ticket for another seat.


  1. Good article, I see the improvement from last time maybe talk about how it relates to media course and try and use CCCOE.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Good concise information and use of pictures but just check some punctuation and capital letters missing in the first 2 paras and what is your opinion of this?

  4. Great article, maybe you could have linked it to another plus size models story?


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