Weekly news #6

London zoo gorilla broke enclosure glass twice before escape

I recently found this story from the Guardian about a gorilla called kumbuka that escaped the enclosure at London zoo on Thursday evening it was reported that he broke out of his area and was later tranquillised by the vets and was brought back to his area.
It has been reported that the london zoo have said that they are going to carry out a full investigation which has been described as a minor accident. Sources have stated that the cage door was left open.

I chose this story because I usually here about animals escaping the zoo in movies and to here that a real life zoo animal escaped the zoo is quite astonishing. I also think that the zoo keepers should be more careful and should make sure that they close the cage, luckily for them no one was hurt.


  1. To improve this you could add on your opinion about why you think the gorilla attempted to escape and perhaps express your view on the bigger picture of whether animals should or shouln't be help in captivity.

  2. This is alright how it is, you have added pictures a done a overall summary of what happened, maybe next time you can go into more depth about the article and expand more on the points also explaining how bad it is that the gorilla got out and what this could mean for the london zoo. You also might want to proof read your working just making sure for the basic capital letters and full stops.

    1. Thank you Esther for your feedback I have looked back and have added the "basic capital letters and full stops".


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