Weekly News #3

Kim Kardashian 'files complaint' with French authorities over prankster Vitalii Sediuk

Kim Kardashian wants to file a complaint after prankster Vitalii sediuk tried to look up her skirt and grab her leg while she was at the Paris fashion week, Vitalii attempted to kiss Kim Kardashians butt, he was immediately tackled by the security guard. Kim has stated that she wants a restraining order on sediuk because it was not the first incident that had occurred. Kim was really shaken up afterwards because she said that she thought she was in danger and that she had every right to act the way she did.

Vitalii says that there was a reason to why he did what he did, he states that “I was protesting Kim for using fake butt implants. I encourage her and the rest of Kardashian clan to popularise natural beauty among teenage girls who follow and defend them blindly. P.s. I was sitting there outside the posh restaurant to use free Wi-Fi and eating my ice-cream. When all of a sudden, the pack of paparazzi came out and the car with Kim Kardashian. I swear I didn't know she was going to be there. So I had to come out with an idea very fast. Does it mean if I don't go to celebrities, they come to me? Lol Have a nice evening everybody! I have to finish my ice-cream”.

This story caught my eye because it reminds me how crazy people are in the world. also what I think what he did was really immature disrespectful and the fact that he finds that what he did is funny is just plain rude.




  1. Very in depth, I like the use of lots of photos and the video.


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