Coursework report pt1

During my research on teen thrillers I have looked at various things such as posters, DVD covers, trailers and films through the research I learnt that thriller is where "extraordinary things happen to ordinary people" which I confused with horror at first but the pure difference between a thriller and a horror is that a thriller is more psychological whereas a horror contains more blood and gore.

I have chose to do a print base and not a visual however I did look at posters as well as films and trailers so that it could give me more inspiration for my DVD cover and poster and so that it would allow me to understand thrillers more. For the first part of my research I looked at the conventions of a thriller such as who are the target audience which is us teens, what makes a good thriller and I also presented examples of thriller films.

For my research I looked at films such Taken, Headhunters and Inside man. While watching the trailer for Taken there was around 26 blackouts and fast pace music which drew me into watching the whole movie because there was so much buildup of suspense throughout the whole trailer. I also looked and analyzed the Taken poster which contained a bold clear red title which could associate with  blood and death this is seen throughout the movie, in the poster we see what looks like a man running from into the dark which may of suggested that he is running into the unknown.

Also during my research I looked at the  Tzvetan Todorovs theory which I used to sum up the film Taken 3 which I wrote about the equilibrium, destruction of the equilibrium, recognition, attempt of repair and then the new equilibrium. Tzvetan Todorov's narrative theory shows that all narratives follow a three part structure where they begin with equilibrium, where everything is balanced then followed by something that disrupts the equilibrium and then a resolution is found.


following my other part of research I compared the two posters gone girl and the house at the end of the street where I wrote about the different Colours and the different moods that they give just by looking at them I described these two posters to being quite different from each other because the gone girl one looks more ghost like and is much more brighter whereas the house at the end of the street looks more dark and spooky with what looks like a haunted house in the frame of the picture.
The faded face in the gone girl picture may be used to represent death and it could be apart of the title of the film which is ''gone girl".
The house at the end of the street seems to show a more scary and the dark side of death whereas in the gone girl one it comes across as more heavenly.


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