Weekly news #2

 NHS 111 worker whose baby nearly died of meningitis says she battled doctors who told her it was 'just a cold'

Alison Grocock mother of John grocock, became concerned when her 4 week old child became concerned when john kept on falling asleep and later became unresponsive. Alison immediately rushed baby john to the hospital she stated 'knew something was wrong'. Even though Alison and her husband explained the baby’s condition to the emergency department they waited hours to be seen. When baby john was seen by the doctors but they dismissed him with a cold but Alison still couldn’t shake the feeling that something was still wrong so she told the doctors that she wouldn’t leave the hospital until she had gotten a second opinion. Which they ran some more tests and it was revealed that he had meningitis. Doctors told Alison that john was minutes away from death and if she had taken him home he would have died. Alison then goes on to saying ‘I am so glad I trusted my instinct. One doctor told me John probably had a cold, but I knew there was more to it than that - something was seriously wrong,'

This particular story stood out to me because every day millions of people are dismissed from hospital with life threating illnesses. The doctors are clearly not doing their jobs because if they were they would have double check their patients when it is necessary to. For instance if Alison had not stuck to her instinct she would of lost her 4 week old son, and the fact they had to wait hours to be seen is unacceptable.

John is now as healthy 11month year old baby after spending several weeks in hospital.



  1. Good summary of the article and use of opinion and pictures. Perhaps you could also include why it links to our class.

  2. I also think this was a good summary of this particular article. It is clear and easy to understand with good visuals in it. However, one way in which this could be improved would be to mention how this is relevant to the media course and if it fits in with any other news stories or stereotypes if any.


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