Terrestrial vs tv

Terrestrial VS Digital TV

Terrestrial TV Is a type of broadcasting that airs the channels BBC1, BBC2, ITV, Channel 4 and channel 5. Digital television is the advancement of the along television. on October 17th, 2007, terrestrial TV switched over to Digital TV. The switchover has given people extra channels and clear images. According to the daily mail, the digital chief executive stated that “the analogue era was a defining period for tv but the fully digital age will be even better with a greater choice of channels for viewers everywhere”.  The switchover was expected to bring in around 15million new viewers. London’s tv switched over in April 2012

The parliament office of science and Technology states the advantage of the switchover are as follows:

• It will benefit the UK economy as a whole by £1.1 to £2.2 billion in net present value terms; 5 - 

• Bring DTT signals to the 20 to 25% of the UK households who live in areas that cannot currently receive them because of spectrum limitations.

• Enhance reception in areas of existing DTT coverage- This would benefit people who have trouble connecting to watch their tv shows.

• Increase choice of channel for viewers;- This would broaden the audience allowing shows to develop there show according to there consumers.

• To reduce the costs for broadcasters, who will no longer have to transmit services in both formats, or replace old analog transmission equipment.

• The release about a third of the spectrum, currently used by analogue transmission, for new services.

Switching over would benefit most people because before with terrestrial tv there would only a limited amount of channel that could be viewed which would of lead people to miss out on good shows, the changeover would bring more people to watch tv because there would be more channels meaning that there would appeal to a wider range of people, this would then benefit the companies because they would get more views which would bring in more money to the broadcasting companies.

 The elder people may have found the switch over pointless because they may have only liked watching the 5 channels that were already available. So, this switch I think personally is targeted to the newer generation.

How did proliferation of technology change the game?

Proliferation has offered many new ways in which tv can be viewed, since changing to the digital tv the quality of the images have improved immensely. People can now watch their favourite shows on catch up such as demand if they missed it or want to watch it again, also digital tv also offers plus 1 which shows the repeat of the show at a later time.

I predict that’s tv will become more advanced then it is now. I think the methods in which you can view tv will change to appeal to more people so that eventually everyone will be glued to there tv screens. In conclusion, Terrestrial tv was good in a certain era, however, Introducing digital tv has allowed programmes to gain much more viewers and followers which improves there show popularity.


  1. Good research and talking about how the audience was affected. Perhaps you could talk about the producers too.


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