Case study

Sainsbury Christmas Advert

The Christmas advert shows a hardworking dad trying to make sure his family have the best Christmas. I think the meaning behind the advert is to show the importance of family and friends and how you should make time to spend with them.

The representations that have been presented are :

Event - which is Christmas.

Gender- we see the dad being represented in a positive light because of the way he tried to find away to spend more time with his family, because usual stereotypes would be that men care more about work then spending there time with their own families.

Ethnicity- The family shown is from two different cultural backgrounds.

The this girl can advert show women are physically doing things such as swimming, netball, boxing , bike riding , jogging to show girls to not be afraid to do anything they want , it also shows women breaking out of the stereotypes that only men can do certain sports such as boxing. The sole purpose of the ad is to help women have the ‘’can do’’ attitude and to motivate and teach people not to be afraid of being you and that you can achieve greater things if you have the mindset too.
The representations covered in this are 
Gender - which are females 
Ethnicity- There are variety of women from different cultural backgrounds 
Age - The advert features women of different ages to show that women of all ages can achieve anything if they put their mind to it.


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