Black Mirror

Black mirror is a TV series produced by Charlie Booker which he goes into the problems of our modern world.

Episode 1 Shows Prime Minister Michael Callow facing a huge and shocking dilemma involved him performing an inappropriate act with a pig to free Princess Susannah, a member of the Royal Family that has been kidnapped.

I think the message behind this episode is to show how powerful the Internet and social media can be and how you can use it for good and bad. The episode also shows the prime minister being forced to do something that he really did not want to but was peer pressured by the society to do what they thought was right, another major factor was when practically the whole world was glued to the screen which lead to them not realising that the princess had been released 30min early which shows how much the media brain washes people.

I didn't like this episode because it was quite all over the place and didn't really understand the concept of it all. I think this show may be targeted towards the older viewers who may understand it more.

This episodes covers the representation of issues which in this case is Technology because as said previously everyone was stuck glued to there screens and didn’t even realise that the princess had been let go 30 min prior the live broadcasting. If they had not been so concentrated in watching the live broadcasting the prime minister wouldn’t of had to partake in quite a abominable act.


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