Weekly New #2

TV broadcasters 'failing to represent society' says Ofcom report

Source: BBC News 

According to Ofam, Tv broadcasters are failing to “represent society with a lack of diversity among staff. 
The broadcasting watchdog says women, ethnic minority groups and disabled people are all under-represented. The chief executive Sharon White stated that many of the "shocking" results will "concern the whole industry". Ofcom have been monitoring broadcasting channels and said that they can improve.Sharon white goes on to saying that the reports “paints a worrying picture, with many broadcasters failing properly to monitor the make-up of their employees"

She also said that "too many people from minority groups struggle to get into television", which "creates a cultural disconnection between the people who make programmes, and the many millions who watch them.”

other information from bbc news 

TV 'not authentic enough'

The report found that across the five main broadcasters, women accounted for 48% of the total workforce - compared with 51% across the general population - and held 39% of senior roles. 
Ofcom also said those from a black, Asian or minority ethnic background made up 12% of workers, and disabled people just 3%, despite accounting for 14% and 18% of the general population respectively.
Among workers aged over 50, there are 50% more men than women, while Ofcom said many older people, especially women, think they are represented negatively on screen.
Ofcom's research found that lots of people feel there are not enough programmes on TV that "authentically portray their lives and communities". 
This article covers the representation of issues which is inequality, race , ethnicity and gender.


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