Weekly News

Reality Check: How many women in top UK film jobs?

Source BBC News

In an interview with the BBC's Today programme, Daisy Lewis, an actress and director, said she hoped the Weinstein scandal would prompt a shift in the industry so that more women reached senior roles "writing and directing and creating work and employing other women so that this situation doesn't really happen". 
Ms Lewis's remarks prompted Reality Check to dig into the numbers behind film's most sought-after jobs.

Emma Thompson, the actress.Image copyrightGETTY IMAGES
Image captionThe actress Emma Thompson told the BBC that "what we need to start talking about is the crisis in masculinity".

The British film industry, which last year employed about 25,000 people as cast and crew, is one dominated by men, based on research by the British Film Institute (BFI).
According to BBC In 2016 fewer than one-third of producer credits in British films went to women and even fewer credits went to writers (17%) and directors (13%). 
The proportion of women has increased over the years, with the percentage of crew members rising from 3% in 1913 to 34% in 2017. But for decades the most influential posts have overwhelmingly gone to men. It wasn't until 2010 that a woman, Kathryn Bigelow, won the Bafta for best direction.


  1. Nepthalie this is a good retelling of an article but it lacks your voice, what do you think? How and why is this the status Quo? What will or how will you try to change this?

    In order to access the higher grades this year you will need to offer more depth on all your writing.


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