Weekly News #21

Shocking pictures of 15-year-old bullying victim's face released after violent attack in South Wales

Source: Independent

A family Of a 15 year old boy have released pictures of a boy who was attacked when he got off the bus in South Wales. The boy who has not been named was taken into hospital with a suspected broken jaw. The police are investigating into the incident and arrested a 17 year old be in connection with the attack but he was later on released on bail. The pictures shown were published by the boys family to appeal to any witnesses. 

I chose this story because I think some people are just so heartless and cruel. How can someone beat up someone bad that they break their jaw. Also when I saw the pictures I was truly shocked .I can't imagine the pain he must be going through. It's also sad to think how hurt his mum must be feeling to see her son in so much pain knowing that she can't do anything.

This is a representation of issues which in this case is bullying .



  1. Good use of pictures as opinion perhaps put more detail into your representation.


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