Weekly News

Florida girl, 14, who hung herself on Facebook Live after being rejected by her cruel and abusive mother' was taking anti-depressant that increases the risk of suicide in teenagers.

Source: Daily mail
Naika Vennat Committed sucide by hanging herself, she live streamed her suicide on facebook. Prior the suicide she was diagnosed of having post traumatic stress disorder. For people that don't know what ptsd is here's a short video to explain.

She was then prescribed a medication for ADHD and Zoloft, an anti-depressant that cannot legally be prescribed to children due to an increased risk of suicide. It was said that Naika suffered abuse from her mum.
It is said that only children who are diagnosed with obsessive compulsive disorders can legally be prescribed Zoloft.
State officials told the Herald that Naika's constant relocation to different foster homes placed her in situations where adult guardians were unable to consistently monitor her for any danger signs while she was on psychiatric medication.
Naika's case echoes that of Gabriel Myers, a seven-year-old boy who also hung himself in 2009 after he was placed into the foster system and had also been prescribed psychiatric medication.
I think that they should of kept a close eye on the girl because they knew her medical background yet they let her go as far as taking her own life.
This is a representation of issues which are sucide , abuse , neglence and another representation is age.



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