
There are a variety of shot sizes such as a long shot, very long shot, close up e.c.t
these different shot sizes are used to capture different moments, for example as a extreme close up is used to capture detail such as facial expressions.

 Mid shot- shows the surroundings and the detail of what the person is wearing from the stomach upwards.

Shot size : Long shot                                            

The long shot is used to capture the characters full body to maybe show how the character is running through the picture and It kind of sets the scene and gives us an insight of things to come in the actual movie.

The main purpose of this Debenhams advert is to advertise there products , unlike the other adverts they  
clearly show there products that they want to advertise where as the others show there products discreetly advertise there products in the background.

I think the meaning behind this advert is to let people think that you wont have a good christmas unless you invest in there products.


  1. Nice brief background into shot sizes but perhaps more detail in your print based analysis and include a moving image too.


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