Weekly News #11

Black man is washed whiter in China’s racist detergent advert.

Source: The Guardian

The advert shows a black man being washed in the wash machine by the Asian lady who shoves the liquid detergent into his mouth and places him into the washing machine which when he has finished being washed he comes out as a white Asian man, This ad literally shows a black man being washed white which is 100% racist in my opinion.

 The Company for the racist detergent ad have defended there crazy content and have said that people have  just over reacted, they also stated “We meant nothing but to promote the product, and we had never thought about the issue of racism.” . The Huffington post has said that “Qiaobi Detergent Ad Might Be The Most Racist TV Commercial Ever Made.”

I came across this ad while scrolling through my Instagram feed and when I watched it I was really shocked, because at first I thought that it was a joke because you can't advertise something so racist like this but then I searched it up which I found it on the Guardian article. I think its funny how the detergent company didn't think people would find this racist.

As for representation this links to race and issues which the issue in this case is racism.


  1. This article is quite a madness, to make it better give a short sentence or some sort to let us understand what kind of news source the guardian is for example left or right wing.

  2. Thanks for the feedback Esther Bickersteth. I'll make sure to talk about the right and left wing next time.

  3. great weekly news, maybe add more of your opinion and comparison, think about that CC thing Barrington always talks about.


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