Weekly News #10

'One person said that I put them off eating chocolate' Disabled star of the malteasers  advert reveals how she was targeted by trolls

Source: Daily mail
30 year old Samantha Renke revealed how she has been targeted by online bulling since being on the malteasers advert.

Samantha suffers from brittle bone disease and has been wheel chair bounded. She stated that " I didn't expect that at age 30 I would be at the end of this hate speech. But I have been bullied for most my life".

In an emotional blogpost for the Huffington post she reveals that she received some hate from twitter , which the tweet said: 'That midget freak on the advert is putting me off ever eating chocolate!'

I chose this article because I think that the statement that has been made about how they were put off ever eating chocolate because they saw it been advertised by a disabled person is really disrespectful, because yeah she may be disabled but at the end of the day she is a person that has feelings like everyone.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-3937578/That-midget-freak-advert-putting-eating-chocolate-Disabled-star-Malteasers-advert-reveals-targetted-online-trolls-making-TV-debut.html#ixzz4QZIKREu3
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  1. I really liked the article you choose as it I such a big and important topic, you could of added why you thought they choose to use someone with a disability to be in their advert. Also how you think this will effect other people.

  2. You've gone into detail on the article, and also detailed your opinion on the matter. To improve, you could talk about the source of the article and discuss any bias that could be associated with it.


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