Weekly news #14

I feared for my health': disabled actor tells of nightmare train journey 

Source: The Guardian 

 Samantha Renke told the gaurdian that she's was upset About how people on the train blocked the disabled toilets and her reserved area with luggage. She has stated that she was scared for health after embarking on a two and a half hour train trip which didn't provide easy access to the toilets. The lack of access to disabled toilets could of caused so many health problems for Samantha because she suffers from brittle bone disease which is a disorder which results in fragile bones that break easily. which is present at birth.

For those of you that may not know Samantha Renke , she is an actress who recently appeared on the malteasers advert which I wrote about in one of my weekly news about how people were put off eating chocolate because she was advertising it.

I chose this story because I think that people should be more caring towards disabled people and train  staff should put up signs so that people know not to block passage ways. And I also think the staff should of been more considerate. It's also upsetting that she had point out the sign to the people on the train because they didn't do anything to solve the situation.

This comes under the representation of disability and issues which I think is injustice.


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