Weekly News #15

Paralympian forced to wet herself on train without accessible toilet
Source: The Guardian

42 year old Anne Wafula Strike An award-winning Paralympic athlete says she was “completely robbed of her dignity” after a train company failed to provide an accessible toilet on a 3hr journey.

British Paralympic racer was forced to urinate all over herself after the disabled toilets on the train where out of order. After this ordeal she was left humiliated and covered her face so that no one could notice it was her , she also tried to mask the smell of the urine by spraying perfume.

Anne stated that “I was completely robbed of my dignity by the train company,” she also said “I would like to ask the train company when will they give me my dignity back? As a disabled person I have worked so hard over the years to build up my confidence and self-belief." she also mentioned that she could of went to the abled people toilet but she would of had to crawl and it was too far for her to go plus her wheel chair wouldn't of fit through the aisle.

Anne also stated that she wasn't going to go public with what she went through but said that too many people suffer in silence and that people should be aware of the situation.

This article is quite similar to my previous weekly news about how Samantha Renke feared for her health after the disabled toilets where covered by bags and also the disabled area was reserved . I think these to articles come under the representation of issues which is in justice and disability

I chose this article because I found it quite sad how Anne had to go through something humiliating because people clearly weren't doing there jobs which was making sure that everything is functioning well.


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